Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow White

There is something about watching Snow White for the first time with your child. I bought Callie and Lyla Snow White and Sleeping Beauty today (before they go back into "The Vault") and we sat down to watch Snow White and Callie was so excited. It was amazing to see her face light up when Snow White came onto the screen and there she was, not just a picture of her on a book or some sort of toy. Anyway, I can't really describe it, but I can say Callie was pretty cute.

This blog entry is really about updates. I am still taking 150 pills every night. Okay, so it is down to something like 8-1/2. That is positive. The doctor confirmed today that I am crazy, so at least we all got that diagnosis correct! Just kidding. He did assure me that I DO have Lupus and I am not a hypochondriac (sp?). That made me feel a little better.

I think I have decided that if I can round up enough friends that I want to take a long weekend trip somewhere. It can be either just women or women and spouses, but then we have to deal with childcare in a lot of cases, so maybe we should just say women. Just kidding. Hmmmm...let's go somewhere fun, yet inexpensive. I will have to think on that, but we need to do it soon. March is all booked up with Spring Break for many and a lot of church events, but maybe after? Who is with me? :-)

On a very, very positive note, Thomas FINALLY had his scan done and his liver situation has remained unchanged, which is an answer to prayer. He will go in for another scan in 6-12 months. We will just assume that it is a hemangioma and is nothing. :-)

If you are a Heritage woman (or want to be one), think about going to the retreat. It is going to be A-W-E-SOME! I'm not blowin' smoke. Seriously. This is a fun time had by all (women over 18). We need some of our more mature ladies to join us this year. We need some mentoring going on! Get your grass skirts and come on out! Actually, if you show up with grass skirts, I will laugh. That has absolutely nothing to do with the theme. However, if you bring a grass skirt, I promise to bring a coconut bra. Just ask Jeana. I have one. I wore it to Mistee's house for her Hawaiian themed Bunco. Over my clothes, of course. TMI? Sorry ministers, since I know some of you tend to wander this direction sometimes. :-)

Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love watching kids watch most Disney movies for the first time. It is magical!
I'm sorry about all the pills! I hope they are helping.
A weekend away sounds like a dream - keep me posted.
Yay for Thomas! I love good news!
You can always count on me for carabiners! ;D

Tami said...

Jeana - those carabiners really came in handy when securing those coconuts!

Jennifer said...

Girl, I'm always up for a girl weekend! Just let me know.

Also, how did last night go? I'd love details!!

Boogaloo said...

Keep me posted on your weekend away if you decide to do a girls trip-it may be too far to venture and the timing has to be right...but I would totally join you! It's interesting that you are craving that sort of thing at this moment. I find myself craving time away with others as well. I think when you've suffered in silence for so long and/or struggled through something and come out the other's natural to want to end that time by gathering with others...not to talk about or share your struggle...but just to be normal and have fun. I think the desire to do that shows that you're healing...not just your body, but your heart! Woo hoo!

Heather said...

I wanna go on a weekend trip!