Sunday, March 2, 2008

Severe Weather

UPDATE: We survived. Haven't checked the roof yet for wind damage, but grateful our prayers were answered. Sorry I am such a Debbie Downer.

One of my biggest fears is severe weather. As I write this, we have tornadic weather/damaging winds/large hail/flash flooding headed our way. If I could convince Thomas to move out of this area, I would - in a heartbeat - just for this reason. I sit here and am so afraid. I know God will take care of us in my mind, but my heart fears for Thomas, Callie, our unborn baby and our two dogs. Thomas sleeps peacefully and there is no way I can think about going to sleep until all of it is over. I have already put some items in our safest room - our camera, which holds pictures of all of our stuff for the insurance company, some other pictures, a few bottles of water and I have my cell phone in hand. I can't even explain to you how afraid I am of this type of weather. I grew up in earthquake country and the time we lived in the Texas panhandle before that, we had a basement and I knew we were safe. Here - I don't know. I would take an earthquake ANY day over this.

On top of watching the radar like a hawk and text messaging my sister when it is coming her way, I think of how this is just the tip of the iceberg for severe weather season. I had to do a story when I was in college (I was a Broadcast Journalism major, but I did a lot of writing for the ACU newspaper) about the beginning of severe weather season and how to stay safe. For me, as a Californian, it was relatively eye-opening. I think it worsened my fears. When Thomas and I lived downtown (in Sanger Lofts), I always felt very safe. I mean, we had a parking garage underground that was multi-level! A tornado sideswiped that building and they had mostly broken glass and that was it.

So, if someone can refer me to a counselor who can help me overcome my fears, that would be great. Just kidding. Well, maybe I am not. If we move, we MUST try to find a house with a basement. Tim H., if you ever read this, we need a house with a basement or a safe room!

All that being said, IF something does happen to us tonight, my will is not notarized yet, but my brother has a copy. I promise we mean every word of it. Also, I want an above-ground, upright headstone. Since Callie will be fine (because I will be shielding her with every bone in my body), make her take piano and guitar lessons and play soccer. Thomas knows all of this, but I suspect that if something happens to me, it will happen to him because he will probably be shielding ME with every bone in HIS body. Or, he may still be asleep on the couch. He can sleep through anything.

I told you - I am really scared. I'm not kidding. Am I alone?


Sarah said...

Hey Tami! I'm only afraid of bad weather if Kevin isn't home with us. Isn't that weird? I'm sorry it was bad last night! It was pretty bad, wasn't it! I'm not excited because I know the next 2-3 months will be like this a lot.

Oh, and our will also isn't notarized yet and we also mean every word of it. Hehe :)

(Found your blog from FB in case you're wondering) :)

Congrats on expecting your 2nd!

Unknown said...

I HATE bad weather too. Us CA girls got to stick together. I agree, earthquakes are so much better to take. At least you don't have to sit on you couch and watch the impending doom on radar for hours on end with an earthquake. I have been known at our house to sleep in the closet and/or bathtub.

See-Dub said...

One of the best defenses against fear is preparation, and it sounds like you're prepared! You know where to go; you know what to do. AND you pray, too!

I'm a big fan of weather radar, especially when I can track storms online. That doesn't help when the power's out, but most of the time, it's calming to know where the nasty stuff is in relation to us.

TriSara said...

I had no idea! I am sorry you feel so afraid. We are the opposite. Soren and I open the front door, sit in the doorway and watch. Usually with a snack, like a movie!

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much I can relate to this--what comes through Texas heads our way and seeing all the pics of what tornados can do really scares me. We actually have a warning out right now. :( At home, we learned at a young age what to do during an earthquake, but if a tornado strikes, I feel like we are SOL. Sounds like you are prepared. Stay safe!