Thursday, May 31, 2007

Here we go!

I made a decision over the weekend.

I have, like many others I know, battled my weight for many years. I was a cheerleader for 9 years and spent most of it feeling like I was the heaviest girl on the squad. It didn't matter that I weighed about the same as the other girls or that I looked the same as them in our group pictures. I had always seen myself as being overweight and so, I thought I was. Then, I went to ACU and became even more depressed. I hated the heat and never went outside, thus my gain of more than 50 pounds from the beginning of my freshman year through my junior year. Then, I went to Weight Watchers for the first time. I went with my dear roommate and we did pretty good up until my wedding. I think I lost around 20 pounds and I felt better. Then, I became the Director of Singing Groups for ACU and spent the next two years on the road, eating out at every meal. Because we were relatively active, I only gained back about 10 of the 20 pounds I had lost. THEN, I moved to Fort Worth. I think that was my downfall. I became the ultimate couch potato. Thomas was working nights and I was working 12-15 hour days and when I was home, I was a permanent fixture on my love seat. Before I had Callie, I went back to Weight Watchers (2x) and lost a few. Then, I gained them back because I just didn't change myself. Since I moved and had Callie, I have gained 32+ pounds. Most of that happened before I had Callie, so I can't blame pregnancy. I have no excuse.

All that being said, I spent some considerable time in prayer and conversation with myself this weekend. I will be 30 on July 28.
I WILL NOT spend my 30's as I did most of my 20's.
I WILL NOT be exhausted when I walk up more than 10 stairs.
I WILL NOT over-eat every time I sit down at the table.
I WILL NOT take my health for granted.
I WILL NOT have my daughter grow up thinking her Mom is not healthy.
I WILL NOT impose healthy eating habits on my family and not do it myself.

I WILL be an example to Callie.
I WILL have more energy.
I WILL feel better about myself.
I WILL show my family and Thomas that I care about being here for another 60 years and I am not too lazy to take care of myself.
I WILL fit into a size 8.
I WILL pose for a picture without asking the photographer to either take it from a down-shooting angle or "hold on a second while I suck in."


My goal - 50 pounds by September 30, 2007.


tamandscott said...

Go, go, go!! We should start a weight loss competition. Some of the girls in my mom's small group are in a competition, and they weigh each week, and they owe $1 to the person who loses the most for that weeek or something like that. Anyway, we should all do something like that. Go, Tami, go!!

T-N-T said...

I'm in...

See-Dub said...

Go, Tami!!!! Your pledge is inspirational! For me it's my 40th birthday looming next January that's woken me up. That and this quote: "No food tastes as good as being thin feels." I've kinda changed that to "No food tastes as good as being around to see my grandkids will feel."

The Ticker Factory has weight loss tickers, and I put one on my blog to track my progress. I've never really blogged about it, well, because I'm afraid I'll fail! So far so good, though: 26 down, 49 to go. (My next short-term goal is to lose 45 pounds total by Sept. 1, the first UT football game!)

Check out this proponent of "naked dieting":
the Amazing Shrinking Mom

TriSara said...

That is a big goal! My goal last year was not so much weight realted, but to get in shape. I decided to cut out fast food (I would eat it 3 times a day) and start exercising, but not starve myself. I went out to jog and I made it down the street and when I came back Pete asked if I was okay because I was so red and out of breath. He encouraged me to go a little further each day and after 3 months I could easily run a 5k at a decent pace. I had never run in my life. Your body will respond and it is so cool to watch it do so. Pete said I changed my heart from a cheeseburger into a muscle! It has been a year and 3 months and I am still sticking with it. I am excited for you and would love to workout with you anytime!

Laurie said...

I am with you Tami!!! I have got to get some weight off so I can keep up with 3 boys!!! I want them to be able to look back and remember a fun, energetic Mommy who could keep up with them step for step! We can do it!! I will encouarge and help you in any way I can!

Jenna said...

I know you can do it - and with style!

Jennifer said...

I'm so excited for you. I know you can do it!

Unknown said...

I know you can do it! Then show me how...