Thursday, February 7, 2008

IS there light at the end of the tunnel?


I guess there is. In 6 months, I will probably not even remember exactly how sick I have been/am and will be thanking my lucky stars for a new little boy or girl in my life. Until the day comes that I am not sick, right now, I will wallow in my misery and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY that God has some mercy on my stomach and the new baby and allows me to have a day without sickness.

So, if you will, help me out. I need all of the prayers we can muster for the health of the baby and my sanity. I know some of you have been through this to this degree and I appreciate your support during this trying and NEVERENDING part of my pregnancy.

P.S. Remind me to go back and read this entry, if Thomas and I consider having another child after this one!!


Chart Smart said...

NICE Blog :)

See-Dub said...

"I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on..."

We are praying that you'll get some relief NOW--not tomorrow, not next week, but NOW!!!

Jennifer said...

still praying.......

I did the same thing- I told Jason to remind me of the 4-5 times a day of throwing up for 6 months straight if I EVER talk about wanting another. I know it's so hard to see past this time but I promise it will get better. Hang in there!!

PB said...

KB and I are praying, praying, praying for you. Your wrong, you will remember this, but you will think it was worth it once you hold that baby in your arms. I feel this baby will be a blessing to you more than you can know. See-Dub nailed it on the head with that song, that is what I've been singing since November. "And there will be end to these troubles..."

Jenna said...

I am so, so sorry that you have been so sick. It will have to end eventually! I will keep praying that it ends soon!

Laurie said...

I am so sorry that you have been so sick! I have missed seeing you! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

See-Dub said...

Great to see you at church today!

Sarah P said...

Tami, it has taken me forever to invite you and Carisse to my blog. sorry. Email me your email address at saw99a@yahoo and I'll send you an invite!